Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Curiosity: The Best Rover That Has Been Sent to Mars Yet

On August 6th at 05:14:39 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), something phenomenal happened on a special place that is approximately 401,000,000 miles away from Earth. The newest, best yet rover ever landed in the Gale Crater inside the red planet.

Curiosity will look for signs of life on Mars. Not only that, it could potentially be our next home and the start of inter-planet travelling. The 400 pound rover will uncover many secrets of the Martian planet.

A full-resolution panoramic image of the Martian surface from the Navigation cameras on NASA's Curiosity rover, which are located on the rover's mast. The topography of the rim is very mountainous due to erosion. The ground seen in the middle shows low-relief scarps and plains. The foreground shows two marks likely carved out by blasts from the rover's descent stage thrusters, according to NASA.
NASA's release of pictures on Mars taken by curiosity.

This imagery is being released in association with NASA's Mars Science Laboratory mission. This is a temporary caption to be replaced as soon as more information is available.

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