Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Mad Man Causes Heart Breaks in Norway

As many of us have heard either from our friend, neighbors, or from the news that a terrible bombing and shooting accident happened in Oslo and Utoeya Island in Norway on Friday, July 22nd, 2011. This tragedy had at least 87 dead victims while many others were injured. The man behind the incident is a native Norwegian man named Anders Behring Breivik.  The gunner appears to have blonde hair, accompanied by a pair of green eyes and a height of 6 feet.

( Taken from Telegraph, UK)

Now, why would the 32 year old attempt and plan this insane attack? What's his motive? Why is he even willing to sacrifice his own life for it? The reason behind it is simple. He wanted to warn people of Europe to discontinue the practice of allowing multiculturalism as well as Muslim immigrants to come into the country. He first became motivated to execute and do something about it when he was around 16 or 17 years old.

(Taken from Telegraph, UK)

 He is simply a madman. He had even written more than 1,500 pages of a book, in the format of questionnaire, where he decides on the questions and asks it and then answers it himself. Here's one of the questions he has answered:

What would you say to your European brothers and sisters? 
Know that you are not alone in this fight. We have tens of millions of European sympathizers and tens of thousands of brothers and sisters who support us fully and are willing to fight beside us. Hopefully I will be able to help and inspire others. Build your network on Facebook. Follow the guidelines in this book and you will succeed!

( Taken from http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2084895,00.html?hpt=hp_t2 )

 But as stated in other questionnaires, he simply states that he does not hate Muslims, he just despises their existence in Europe, and want them to go back to "where they came from. He also asks others like him to join his pursuit of restoring Europe's original purity.
(Taken from Telegraph, UK)

My own opinion is that why is he willing to destroy and cause mayhem in his own country where many innocent victims are then hurt. My ideology is that multiculturalism is great, it allows the country to become stronger, both financially and physically, it also allows the country to experience different cultures, food. It brings economic wealth and the government benefits from tax money and other governmental exercises. For me, this was simply unacceptable and crazy. This way of thinking is flawed and down right dangerous. I hope this accident is a reminder for those who possess this kind of ideology and turn it back around before it reaches disaster.
(Taken from CNN, USA)
In the end, we pray for those ones who are in heaven and also those who has lost loved ones.

Do you think what he did was necessary or was it just brutal? Leave me a comment. Thank you (:


  1. This was a ludicrous attack based on incredibly biased views. This attack is just history repeating it's mistakes...the Holocaust, anyone?
