Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Did Libya Really Come To the End of Gaddafi's Dictatorship?

Last week was a great week for Libya. It was a weekend full of partying, joy, sparked up hope and most importantly a day that declared a chance of reform. Gaddafi's 41 years and 363 days as the autocracy (meaning a person given unlimited power over a nation) has finally come to an end.

Someone needs a bit of coffee...
The rebel fighters fought fierecely through the country's capital, Tripoli, on Friday night. Almost all of the pro Gaddafi fighters had somehow exasperated out of thin air, perhaps seeking shelters for themselves after seeing what has happened. Muammar Gaddafi on the other hand had gone into hiding along with his family. To put a end to Gaddafi once and for all, a wealthy Libyan businessman has offered a million euros for Gaddafi, dead or alive, that's around one million four hundred thirteen thousand and twenty three hundred (1,413,023,000)! It's definitely not a small number in any case at all. 

Pure gold mermaid sofa taken from Aisha Gaddafi's home

The family possesses bad reputation. All of Gaddafi's sons and daughters have been living luxurious lives while the country suffered from poverty. Their beautiful compounds filled with gigantic swimming pools, expensive wineries and modern, breathtaking mansions. As compared to the lifestyles of most Lybians, you could truly only divide them into two categories, heaven and hell.

One of Gaddafi's daughter-in-law abused her Ethiopian nanny just because she had refused to beat her children when they were restless. As a result, Aline Skaf (former model) poured boiling water over the nanny's head as a punishment, then isolated her in a room so no one was able to reach or help her. Out of sympathy, a guard offered to help but later on Skaf found out and threatened to do the same if he dared again. 

What a horrifying family, I'm happy for the nation that such a dictator has finally fallen.

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