Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Beach & Harbor Front

Well, it's that time again. School is just around the corner, and I feel like summer just started yesterday. I am going into my 11th year. One of two important years that will dictate my future academic life. For some reason, I am not as excited for school as I was the years before. This round, I feel a bit exhausted and nervous.

Enough about school. During the summer, I visited Harbour front, Bluffers Park Beach, Woodbine Beach and Canada's Wonderland. Not too bad, I hope? The following are some pictures that I took. Enjoy!

The CN Tower

Harbour front: Lake Ontario

The dock

A ship near Lake Ontario

An underground black market Downtown

Group photo at bluffers park *Taken by: Kevin Li

Korean food *Taken by: Kevin Li

Korean side dishes *Taken by: Kevin Li

Canada Day *Taken by: Kevin Li

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Curiosity: The Best Rover That Has Been Sent to Mars Yet

On August 6th at 05:14:39 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), something phenomenal happened on a special place that is approximately 401,000,000 miles away from Earth. The newest, best yet rover ever landed in the Gale Crater inside the red planet.

Curiosity will look for signs of life on Mars. Not only that, it could potentially be our next home and the start of inter-planet travelling. The 400 pound rover will uncover many secrets of the Martian planet.

A full-resolution panoramic image of the Martian surface from the Navigation cameras on NASA's Curiosity rover, which are located on the rover's mast. The topography of the rim is very mountainous due to erosion. The ground seen in the middle shows low-relief scarps and plains. The foreground shows two marks likely carved out by blasts from the rover's descent stage thrusters, according to NASA.
NASA's release of pictures on Mars taken by curiosity.

This imagery is being released in association with NASA's Mars Science Laboratory mission. This is a temporary caption to be replaced as soon as more information is available.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Olympics Unfairness?

In the Olympics, they say all that really matters is the spirit and the fairness. During the women's swimming competition, both of these precious qualities were torn apart with vicious accusations.

The victim was the 16 year old Ye Siwen from China. The executive director of the World Swimming Coaches John Leonard claimed that Yi had been doping, and that is how as a result she had broken the world record for the 400 metre individual medley and won the gold medal for the event. Soon following this gold medal, came another in the 200 metre individual medley.

It's incredibly biased how the Western world can only accept the success, the rise of their own but not another from a developing country. Michael Phelps broke the Olympics record for the most decorated Olympian of all times, did anyone ever make an open remark about the possibility of the use of illegal drugs? Another example would be the US's own Missy Franklin, who is aged 17. Barely a year older than Ye. She has also won three gold medals, but did anyone accuse her? No. People showered her with their praises.

Ye had sworn that she had never taken anything. She even passed the doping test run three times.

I think they should bring back the spirit of the Olympics, and the fairness along with it. If there's no substantial evidence, no athletes should have fingers pointed at them when they've sacrificed so much for the competitions.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

What is bad about Toronto?

Toronto is a great city. It is the city with Canada's largest population, therefore the most concentrated area in the country by far. With large population comes the need for a crucial transit system and a decent mayor. Well, guess what? The presence of both necessities lack in Toronto!

The transit system is run-down, in a meanwhile, it is crucial to the lives of Toronto residents. Not everyone is wealthy enough to buy cars, not to mention the astounding down town parking fees. The working class and lower class would then have to consult to the Toronto Transit Commission for their daily work schedules. On work days, an average of 1 million people ride the "rocket". The average person who is employed full time takes at least 10 times of public transit a week. Two per day, there and back, then multiplied by the five designated work days. Out of these 10 times, there are at least TWO times(Two times is an understatement)  in which the announcement radio utters the familiar news that goes something like, "There has been a ___________(fill in the blank hazard/incident/area) that is currently under maintenance. Scheduled trains will be restored as soon as possible. Sorry for your inconvenience."  I'm sorry but, if you were really sorry, you should focus on how to reduce these absurd delays, that would be the best apology for everyone. I have been on way too many of these occasions. I wonder, though, as developed as the city is, why is there the lack of effort to build a better system? The new train is under way but what about the tracks? 

Rob Ford is entirely another matter. There has been many recent shootings during the past week in Toronto. The most significant one occurred at a Scarborough community barbecue in which two were killed and 23 others injured. To this, Rob Ford says, "Kick out the immigrants!"  I couldn't have pulled off a better one. That is only a start to the list of ridiculous things that he had done. When it was clear that he definitely will not put in any effort to reduce these violent crimes, the federal government did. Guess what Rob Ford said, heck with the $350,000 fund that is going to initiate a gang intervention project and became the only cabinet member that voted against the programme even if it does not cost the city anything! Instead he said, "It's time for us to declare war on these violent gangs."

The Toronto mayor had won the municipal election, in my opinion, only because of a lack of initiative by the Toronto citizens. During the 2010 elections, there was only a 53.2 percent turnout rate.This is surprisingly an advancement from the 2006, 39 percent and 2003, 38 percent. We have to care about the city, if we didn't much of the citizens did not even take their own effort in casting a vote, they are in no position to complain.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Is Morsi Right for Egypt?

After the downfall of Hosni Mubarak in the 2011 Egyptian Evolution, the country has been on a desperate journey in search for an emerging hero. A new leader that will guide Egypt from the battered, poverty-stricken state to a brighter future.

Contrary to what the people of Egypt hopes for, the country is now in turmoil. Even though a new president, Mohammed Morsi, was elected by the general public but his ability and mental mindset has been questioned by many.

Photograph by The Telegraph

Can Egypt trust him?

Mr. Morsi is part of the Muslim Brotherhood. It is one of the largest Islamist movements. It supports the values and beliefs of the Qur'an. A holy book for the Muslims. Muslim values have been strict, especially for women in practices such as polygny and veiling. This passage is from the Qur'an. Qur'an(4:11) - (Inheritance) " The Male shall have the equal of the portion of two females" This passage itself implies inequality. Mr. Morsi who is part of the Muslim Brotherhood on the other hand has promised better equality and environments for women, Christians and other non-Islamists. Mr.Morsi's political background sure gives me a different message of his values.

The most widely used slogan by the Muslim Brotherhood gives me goosebumps. "Islam is the solution." Heard of something similar before? I think so. Back when Hitler ruled Germany, he imposed on the continuity of the pure Aryan blood. Putting all other races, especially people of Jewish descent under that scope of hate in his hysterical mind. But is this movement as extreme as Hitler's? Not likely. It just screams for a little caution and attention, that's all. While world's eyes are on Mohammed Morsi's first presidential moves, he better be careful of what he's doing.